Call us: +91-8308125153
Survey No 36/A, Ankar Road, Titwala Phata, Goveli, Kalyan Murbad Road, Taluka - Kalyan, Dist - Thane 421301

Welcome Disha Samajik Seva Sanstha

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Disha Samajik Seva Sanstha

“Disha Samajik Seva Sanstha” is a non-profitable and nongovernmental organization, founded in 2011 and registered in 2012 under the Charity Comissioner act 1860. The organization was started at Kalyan, a district of Thane; by a group of 9 members who wanted to contribute to improve the overall condition of adicted patient. The idea behind the establishment of Disha Samajik Seva Sanstha (DSSS) was to improve the living condition of common man who is living in vulnerability due to having no access to resources and opportunities. DSSS believes that in the world filled with rich resources and opportunities, poverty and vulnerability is not inevitable.

DSSS took some major initiatives as under:

  • To help the people away from addiction

  • To rehabilitate the addict person in all the way.

  • To help elderly people at one home.

  • Cares for the mentally disordered personality.

  • Hiring of professional team for operations of organization.

  • Submission of proposals/ concept notes to state/ national funding agencies for increased operations.

Disha Samajik Seva Sansthan was established by Mr. Rajendra Kurhade and is India’s leading treatment facility centre for Alcoholism (Alcohol Addiction), Drug Abuse and Mental Disorders. Disha Foundation is the only treatment centre having psycho theraphy programme which is first time in India. Sir decided to follow an evovling approach in developing a treatment model. From what he perceived of the addiction problem,


Alcoholism is a colourless volatile flammable liquid. This is called the intoxicating constituent of wine, sprits, bear, and other drinks. Alcohol is a formed, When yeast ferments break down without oxygen the sugars in the different food. Like- we make wine from the sugar in the grapes. We make beer from the sugar in malted barley “one type of grain”. We make Vodka from the sugar in the potatoes, beets etc. this is a sedative hypnotic drug. It means alcohol acts to depress the central nervous system at high doses. When we take in low doses then it act in our body as a stimulant. Drinking too much alcoholism can lead to drowsiness, respiratory depression. After taking the high dose we feel problem in breathing slow, shallow, or stops entirely, coma or even death.


it create the negative side effect in our body. Weather we take it in high dose or lowest. When we drink it absorb in the blood and start to disturb our body. In little amount it exits through our breath and urine. Excretory System- too much alcoholism can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances. Which interfere with proper functioning. There is one of the most frequent reason of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol abuse. Liver’s job is to breakdown harmful substances. Excessive drinking may be the cause the loss of hepatitis. Which can lead to develop the jaundice. In the jaundice your skin and eye look yellowing. Due to the alcoholism chronic liver inflammation can lead to severe scarring known as cirrhosis. This type of inflammation can destroy the liver. In this situation mostly liver fails to perform. Woman are at higher risk for liver disease than men.

Who We Are

Client Centric: We are a client centric organisation. We put the client first and are commited to total client satisfaction, meeting their needs and expectations.
Integrity: We are open, transparent and honest. We have an ecelectric approach towards the issues and deal with them in tune with our culture and human values.
Empathy: We work towards understanding the problems and situations of the clients and their family with an ability to listen and have a non judgemental attitude. We work with setting up professional and personal boundaries putting in honest efforts and emotional maturity.
Commitment: We take our commitment very seriously and put all efforts and extend assistance into fulfilling the rehabilitation of individual to the path of addiction free life.
Team Work: We work in team for we know that only team work delivers results and client satisfaction and will put collective and collaborative efforts.
Versality: We are a multi-cultural organization. We respect diverse viewpoints with every individuals who share our dreams. Social Responsibility: We are socially responsible members of the communities we are present in and work towards a drug free society by creating social awareness. Dining Program Our dining program is nutritionally tasty and very hygienically prepared. It is our understanding that a body recovering from addiction needs a well balanced diet. All the meals are freshly prepared keeping the nutritional value of the ingredients. We have an inhouse flour mill to keep the nutritional value intact. We provide balanced fod with high protein low fat with balanced carbohydrates to look after the health of our recovering patients. We avoid unhealthy food like junk food, pav, street food,etc.


- Disha Samajik Seva Sansthan was established by Mr. Rajendra Kurhade and is India’s leading treatment facility centre for Alcoholism (Alcohol Addiction), Drug Abuse and Mental Disorders. Disha Foundation is the only treatment centre having several psycho theraphy programme which is first time in India. Sir decided to follow an evovling approach in developing a treatment model. From what he perceived of the addiction problem,

Our Mission

"To help addicts’ bridge relationships with self, family and rejoin society as productive members".

Our Motto

"Help us to help you in creating a drug free society".

Our Vision

"To turn the distress, damage and disasters of this deadly disease into life and harmony through awareness and effective treatment".

Values +

• Treat the whole person as well as the illness.
• Treat every person with dignity and respect.
• Continue a commitment to the Twelve Step fellowship.
• Be of service.
• Remain open to innovation

My Experience

My name is NARENDRA CHINTALAPALLI. I am a doctor by profes,sion. My financially condition is average. I am married and having well settled life. I started to drink in my college day with my friends just for enjoyment. Then it became my habit to drink every day after work. Later on holidays also I started to drink since from morning my wife and family became so much panic. I also started to lie them and cheated them for my habit. just because of this addiction I have to face my health problem. I was suffering from jaundices and abdomen paining, my kids also started suffering from it; they were living in too much tension. Then my resistance power became hamer and I was infected towards tuberculosis . Even after my treatment of tuberculosis was completed I used to drink , I couldn't sleep without or with drinks . I felt my life is hopeless after that I was admitted to Disha Foundation. Rajendra sir gave me too much mentally support and he told me how to step out from this addiction. How much loss I have created not only financially but also my reputation . I really became fearless and I got hope to back my life . my body is gaining weight and I became too much positive to my life . Disha help me out to became stronger ,their treatment for addiction is good.


We at Arise and Shine believe that the Alcoholic/Addict is not a bad man, weak man but a sick man and that ‘Motivation’ to get well comes when the patient is in treatment not when he is out using/drinking, hence the recovery program for de-addiction begins with the Primary centre a ‘Safe’/’Monitored’ facility moving on to a Secondary Open Centre where the patient tests his newly gained sobriety in relative freedom.

